A review of advanced façade system technologies to support net-zero carbon high-rise building design in subtropical China.
Author(s) : ZHOU Y., HERR C. M.
Type of article: Periodical article, Review
While net-zero carbon buildings have been the focus of many previous studies, existing research tends to focus on low-rise buildings in temperate climates with cold winters. However, much of current building activity across the world, particularly in China, is located in hot and humid subtropical climates and typically features high-rise buildings. This review article systematically surveys recent literature on advanced façade systems that have been widely used across Europe and North America to determine their suitability for implementation in the subtropical climatic environment of southern China. To support the further research and design of net-zero carbon buildings in this context, this paper reviews existing technologies enabling zero carbon buildings, particularly those related to high-performance building facades, with a focus on South China. To this end, we present a systematic literature review of relevant studies in English conducted in the past 10 years. Following a definition of the scope of zero carbon building and design factors related to such building types, the paper discusses the rationale and mechanisms of key advanced facade technologies and their suitability for high-rise buildings in the hot and humid subtropical climate of South China, including double-skin façades, building integrated photovoltaics, façade greening systems, advanced shading systems, phase-change materials, and smart windows. The results of the review illustrate a shortage of relevant studies as well as a shortage of design tools supporting the integration of key technologies in the early architectural design stages, where decisions will have a significant impact on a building’s subsequent performance.
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Pages: 23 p.
- Original title: A review of advanced façade system technologies to support net-zero carbon high-rise building design in subtropical China.
- Record ID : 30031280
- Languages: English
- Subject: Technology
- Source: Sustainability - vol. 15 - 4
- Publishers: MDPI
- Publication date: 2023/02
- DOI: http://dx.doi.org/https://doi.org/10.3390/su15042913
See other articles in this issue (1)
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