Brochure commemorating Prof. Fritz Steimle's 60th birthday.

Festschrift zum 60. Geburtstag von Prof. Dr.-Ing. Fritz Steimle.

Author(s) : Univ. Essen

Type of monograph: Book


This book contains 17 papers presented during Prof. Fritz Steimle's 60th birthday celebrations on September 4, 1998 in Essen, Germany. Extract from the table of contents: dehumidification of air; thermal stability of binary liquid mixtures; safety requirements for refrigerating plant using ammonia; air renewal in housing; thermal storage and solar energy; central and decentralized air treatment plant: comparison of costs; CO2 as a refrigerant; enthalpy of mixtures in the liquid phase; substitutes; air quality and thermal comfort; natural convection and finned tube bundles; binary ice in air conditioning and thermal storage; the cost of energy plant in buildings; design of clean rooms in plant where semiconductors are manufactured; a thermal anemometer with a spherical probe; the Stirling cycle: an alternative; cooling ceilings and displacement ventilation. Abstracts of some of these reports will be published in a future issue of the IIR Bulletin.


  • Original title: Festschrift zum 60. Geburtstag von Prof. Dr.-Ing. Fritz Steimle.
  • Record ID : 1999-1277
  • Languages: German
  • Subject: Figures, economy, General information
  • Publication: Universität gh essen, institut für angewandte thermodynamik und klimatechnik - Germany/Germany
  • Publication date: 1998/09/04
  • ISBN: 3922602673
  • Source: Source: 132 p. (14.5 x 21); fig.; tabl.
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.


See book excerpts (17)