Companies in the refrigeration sector and sustainable development: what are the challenges?

Les entreprises du froid face au développement durable : quels enjeux ?

Date: 1900.01.01


This book presents the 15 lectures given during this forum organized by the AFF and held in Paris (France). It gives a description of the sustainable development approach which is being set up. The forum is divided into 3 parts: Refrigeration as an actor in sustainable development? Striking a balance between environmental, economic and social concerns (contribution of the refrigeration sector to sustainable development; refrigeration, air conditioning and sustainable development: impacts; contribution of the refrigeration sector to the quality of life of fragile elderly persons during summer periods). Are manufacturers and installers concerned by sustainable development (refrigerated transport: strategies and perspectives; sustainable development and domestic refrigerators; sustainable development as an inescapable factor for a research department)? What are the challenges facing refrigeration users with regards to sustainable development (the Air Liquide and Casino group approach; sustainable development: development service and cost reduction; sustainable performance in cold storage)?


  • Original title: Les entreprises du froid face au développement durable : quels enjeux ?
  • Organiser : AFF
  • Record ID : 2005-1577
  • Languages: French
  • Number of articles: 6
  • Publication: Aff (association française du froid) - France/France
  • Source: Source: 197 p. (17 x 24); fig.; tabl.; ref.
  • Conference type: Other conference (non-IIR)
  • Notes:

    AFF, Forum Entrep. face Dév. durable, Paris

  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.


See articles (6)