Computer vision and machine learning methods for heat transfer and fluid flow in complex structural microchannels: a review.

Author(s) : YANG B., ZHU X., WEI B., LIU M., LI Y., LV Z., WANG F.

Type of article: Periodical article, Review


Heat dissipation in high-heat flux micro-devices has become a pressing issue. One of the most effective methods for removing the high heat load of micro-devices is boiling heat transfer in microchannels. A novel approach to flow pattern and heat transfer recognition in microchannels is provided by the combination of image and machine learning techniques. The support vector machine method in texture characteristics successfully recognizes flow patterns. To determine the bubble dynamics behavior and flow pattern in the micro-device, image features are combined with machine learning algorithms and applied in the recognition of boiling flow patterns. As a result, the relationship between flow pattern evolution and boiling heat transfer is established, and the mechanism of boiling heat transfer is revealed.

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Pages: 24 p.




  • Original title: Computer vision and machine learning methods for heat transfer and fluid flow in complex structural microchannels: a review.
  • Record ID : 30031251
  • Languages: English
  • Subject: Technology
  • Source: Energies - vol. 16 - 3
  • Publishers: MDPI
  • Publication date: 2023/02
  • DOI:


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