Experimental techniques for low-temperature measurements: cryostat design, material properties, and superconductor critical-current testing.

Author(s) : EKIN J. W.

Type of monograph: Book


This book presents a highly integrated, step-by-step approach to the design and construction of low-temperature measurement apparatus. It is effectively two books in one: a textbook on cryostat design techniques and an appendix data handbook that provides materials-property data for carrying out that design, accompanied by many graphs, data, and clear examples. Extract from the table of contents: Part I. Cryostat design and materials selection: introduction to measurement cryostats and cooling methods; heat transfer at cryogenic temperatures (heat conduction through solids, gases and liquids; radiative heat transfer; heat conduction across liquid/solid, solid/liquid and solid/gas interfaces); cryostat construction (material selection for cryostat parts; joining techniques; mechanical motion at cryogenic temperature; vacuum techniques and seals for cryogenic use); wiring and connections (insulation selection); temperature measurement and control (thermometer selection, installation and measurement procedures); properties of solids at low temperatures (specific heat; thermal diffusivity; thermal expansion/contraction; electrical resistivity; thermal conductivity; magnetic susceptibility; mechanical properties). Part II. Electrical transport measurements: sample holders and contacts: contact techniques for high-current superconductors and film superconductors. Part III. Superconductor critical-current measurements and data analysis. The appendix is a ready reference handbook for cryostat design, encompassing 70 tables.


  • Original title: Experimental techniques for low-temperature measurements: cryostat design, material properties, and superconductor critical-current testing.
  • Record ID : 2008-1876
  • Languages: English
  • Subject: General information
  • Publication: Oxford university press - United kingdom/United kingdom/United states/United states
  • Publication date: 2007
  • ISBN: 9780198570547
  • Source: Source: 704 p. (17.3 x 25); fig.; tabl.; ref.; index; append.; GBP 65.
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.