Facing the global environment challenge: a progress report on World Bank global environment operations.

Author(s) : OORG, World Bank

Type of monograph: Booklet


Two publications on developments in the World Bank's global environment work. Contents: key events and developments; portfolio review (biodiversity; climate change; international waters; ozone layer protection); participation and social assessment in World Bank operations work; project matrix (GEF World Bank projects; Montreal Protocol projects). Other contents: October 1994 issue: global forum; concepts in review (global overlays for climate change); biodiversity at the World Bank. January 1995 issue: global forum; concepts in review (Green Carrots program : promoting renewable energy technology through global competitive solicitation); mobilizing the private sector: initiating demand-side management in Poland.


  • Original title: Facing the global environment challenge: a progress report on World Bank global environment operations.
  • Record ID : 1995-2663
  • Languages: English
  • Subject: Environment, General information
  • Publication: World bank - United states/United states
  • Publication date: 1994/10
  • Number: 4
  • Source: Source: 32 + 31 p. (21.4 x 27.3); fig.; phot.; tabl.
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.