From basic research to the industrial application of superconducting magnets in magnetic separation.
[In Japanese. / En japonais.]
Author(s) : OHARA T.
Type of article: Article
Recent progress in magnet technology has enabled the realization of economically and operationally favourable superconducting magnets. Consequently, this has made it possible to utilize high-intensity magnetic fields occupying a large volume with very small electric power consumption in much broader areas of science and technology than in the past. Magnetic separation is a promising application because it can separate (or purify) a large quantity of dilute suspension at high speed; it is repeatedly usable, and is recognized as a secondary-waste-free technology that will contribute significantly to the preservation of the global environment. This introductory article discusses some of the fundamental characteristics of magnetic separation and the recent R&D activities from the viewpoint of an industrial application of superconducting magnets.
- Original title: [In Japanese. / En japonais.]
- Record ID : 2004-0496
- Languages: Japanese
- Source: Cryogenics/ Cryog. Eng. - vol. 37 - n. 7
- Publication date: 2002
- Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.
See other articles in this issue (1)
See the source
On the state of SMES (Superconducting Magnetic ...
- Author(s) : IRIE F.
- Date : 1995
- Languages : Japanese
- Source: Cryogenics/ Cryog. Eng. - vol. 30 - n. 6
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- Author(s) : RONAYETTE L., BARBIER R., BREDY P., et al.
- Date : 2012/09/11
- Languages : English
- Source: Cryogenics 2012. Proceedings of the 12th IIR International Conference: Dresden, Germany, September 11-14, 2012.
- Formats : PDF
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- Author(s) : BLEILE A., FISCHER E., KHODZHIBAGIYAN H., et al.
- Date : 2012/09/11
- Languages : English
- Source: Cryogenics 2012. Proceedings of the 12th IIR International Conference: Dresden, Germany, September 11-14, 2012.
- Formats : PDF
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- Author(s) : JUNGST K. P.
- Date : 1984
- Languages : English
- Source: Cryogenics - vol. 24 - n. 11
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- Author(s) : FUKUI S.
- Date : 2002
- Languages : Japanese
- Source: Cryogenics/ Cryog. Eng. - vol. 37 - n. 7
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