Infra-red automatic refrigerant leak detection efficiency project methodology.

Type of monograph: Guide/Handbook


This methodology quantifies the GHG emission reductions generated by reducing leaks of hydroflourocarbon (HFC) refrigerants from commercial refrigeration systems in the United States. HFC leaks can be reduced by monitoring refrigeration systems using infrared real time leak-detection systems. By detecting leaks quickly, refrigeration systems can be maintained and thereby reducing the rate of HFC emissions. This methodology is applicable to projects which install infrared, real time leak-detection systems on commercial refrigeration systems in the United States to reduce leaks of HFC refrigerants.


  • Original title: Infra-red automatic refrigerant leak detection efficiency project methodology.
  • Record ID : 30009595
  • Languages: English
  • Subject: HFCs alternatives
  • Publication: Voluntary carbon standard (vcs) - United states/United states
  • Publication date: 2010/02