The state of food and agriculture 2010-11. Women in agriculture: closing the gender gap for development.

La situation mondiale de l'alimentation et de l'agriculture 2010-11. Le rôle des femmes dans l'agriculture : combler le fossé entre les hommes et les femmes pour soutenir le développement.

Author(s) : FAO

Type of monograph: Report


Each edition of the report contains an overview of a selected topic of major relevance for rural and agricultural development and for global food security. This year's topic is "Women in agriculture". The agriculture sector is underperforming in many developing countries, and one of the key reasons is that women do not have equal access to the resources and opportunities they need to be more productive. This report clearly confirms that the Millennium Development Goals on gender equality and poverty and food security are mutually reinforcing.
Extract from the table of contents: world food and agriculture in review (trends in undernourishment; food production, consumption and trade during the crises; recent trends in agricultural prices: a higher price plateau, and greater price volatility); statistical annex (this part contains many statistical figures and tables).


  • Original title: La situation mondiale de l'alimentation et de l'agriculture 2010-11. Le rôle des femmes dans l'agriculture : combler le fossé entre les hommes et les femmes pour soutenir le développement.
  • Record ID : 30002638
  • Languages: French
  • Subject: Figures, economy, Developing country, Environment
  • Publication: Fao (food and agriculture organization of the united nations) - Italy/Italy
  • Publication date: 2011
  • Collection:
  • ISSN: 02511460
  • ISBN: 9789252067689
