Cryogenic systems. 2. Design of equipment, plant and systems.

[In Russian. / En russe.]

Author(s) : ARHAROV A. M., ARHAROV I. A., BELÂKOV V. P., et al.

Type of monograph: Book


This work is intended as a textbook for students in the technology and physics of low temperatures (for vol. 1 see IIR Bulletin, ref. 1997-3683). Extract from the table of contents: air separation plants operating on oxygen and nitrogen; hydrogen and helium cryogenic systems; heat exchangers for cryogenic systems; liquid cryogenic systems; autonomous microrefrigerators.


  • Original title: [In Russian. / En russe.]
  • Record ID : 2000-2840
  • Languages: Russian
  • Subject: General information
  • Publication: Ordena trudovogo krasnogo znameni izdatel'stvo "machinostroenie" - Russia/Russia
  • Publication date: 1999
  • ISBN: 5217028548
  • Source: Source: vol. 2; ed. 2; 719 p. (14.5 x 21.8); fig.; tabl.
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.