IIR projects
The IIR is a key consortium partner in many projects. Funded at national, European and international levels, these projects support the IIR's core mission of disseminating knowledge about refrigeration to improve the quality of life in a cost-effective and environmentally sustainable way.
As part of these partnerships, the IIR takes the lead in all communication-related aspects. It promotes and disseminates the outcomes of the various projects through its global network, activities and services, and in particular carries out the following tasks:
Develops and implements communication strategies (traditional and digital)
Organises and facilitates project workshops at IIR conferences and co-sponsored conferences
Facilitates the publication of academic papers in the International Journal of Refrigeration (IJR)
Disseminates project news through IIR digital communications supports and social media
- Promotes projects at trade exhibitions, international meetings and conferences
- Creates and disseminates final project outcomes.
Require a dissemination and strategic project partner?
If you are looking for a project partner for refrigeration or cooling technology research projects, contact the IIR Deputy Director General, Dr. Ina Colombo.
Current projects
L’objectif principal du projet BETTED est de faciliter la chaîne de production laitière des PME afin de favoriser l’adoption par le marché de mesures d’efficacité énergétique, notamment l’utilisation d’énergies renouvelables et le déploiement de la chaleur.
Le projet ENOUGH s'est fixé pour objectif de répondre à toutes les préoccupations environnementales induites par le secteur alimentaire. L'objectif principal d'ENOUGH est de soutenir la stratégie durable de l'UE de la ferme à l’assiette en fournissant des outils et des solutions techniques, financiers et politiques pour réduire les émissions de GES et atteindre la neutralité climatique dans l'industrie alimentaire.
INDEE+ is an umbrella project including several projects that support India in a sustainable transition towards more environmentally friendly refrigeration and AC technologies.
SophiA will enable a growing number of African populations to access carbon-neutral energy for electricity, heating and cooling of food and medicine as well as safe and clean drinking water, thereby increasing the quality of life in a sustainable way.
Former projects
- Clim'Eco (January 2020 - January 2023). CLIM’ECO was an energy saving programme aimed at raising awareness, informing and training households, communities and businesses in the French Overseas Territories (Guadeloupe, Martinique, French Guyana, Réunion and Mayotte) on how to make better use of air conditioning. See the website (in French).
- The Livestock and Dairy Development Project (March 2021 - October 2022). The LDDP (Livestock and Dairy Development Project) was a World Bank project that aimed to support the agricultural sector in Bangladesh to overcome the social, cultural, and technical challenges encountered in the livestock and dairy sector. See the website. Download the brochure.
- West Bengal Inland Water Transport, Logistics and Spatial Development Project (August 2021 - March 2022). The WBIWTLSDP was a World Bank development project that aims to support the government of West Bengal in the implementation of Inland Water Transport, Logistics and Spatial Development infrastructure to facilitate the movement of both passengers and freight across the Hooghly River and to plan a spatial framework to enhance accessibility within the Kolkata Metropolitan Area. See the website.
- CoolFish (2019-2021). CoolFish was a project Funded by the Norwegian Research Council that aimed to develop integrated technologies to provide energy efficient and climate friendly cooling, freezing, and heating for fishing vessels. See the website.
- Cold Chain Technology Brief on Vaccines (2021). In partnership with UNEP, the Cold Chain Technology Brief on Vaccines was produced by Gérald Cavalier the president of the Cold Chain for Pharmaceutical Products working group. This brief describes the different cold chain logistics for preserving vaccines products (transport, storage, distribution) and promotes the best solutions for both health and environment. It is edited in three UN languages: English, French and Spanish. UNEP has also translated it into Russian. Download in FRIDOC.
- CryoHub (April 2016 - September 2020). The objective of the project was to investigate and extend the potential of large-scale Cryogenic Energy Storage (CES) and explore the application of the stored energy for both cooling and energy generation. See the website.
- Real Alternatives for LIFE (June 2017 - June 2020). It was a project to develop a blended learning programme for alternative refrigerants. The programme addressed the safety, efficiency, reliability and containment of low GWP alternative refrigerants (carbon dioxide, ammonia, hydrocarbon and low flammables HFOs and R32) and includes various train the trainer sessions. See the website.
- Cold Chain Technology Briefs (2018-2020). In partnership with UN Environment OzonAction, five Cold Chain Technology Briefs were produced by IIR Section and Commission presidents and an IIR member: Fishing vessel application, Commercial, profesionnal and domestic refrigeration, Storage and refrigerated warehouse, Refrigeration in food production and processing. These notes are translated in French and Spanish. Download in FRIDOC.
- Assessment of the energy efficiency in retail refrigeration (2019-2020). Funded by UNIDO, the project was to assess the incremental capital and operating costs for improved energy efficiency in domestic refrigeration and in commercial and retail refrigeration in Article 5 countries.
- SuperSmart (February 2016 - January 2019). SuperSmart was an expertise hub for the market uptake of energy efficient supermarkets by raising awareness, knowledge transfer and the preparation of an EU Ecolabel. SuperSmart aimed to achieve both decisive environmental benefits through the fast implementation of efficient heating and cooling solutions, as well as significant economic benefits through reduced energy use in the supermarket sector across Europe. More information.
ELICiT (January 2014 -December 2016). The ELICiT project focused on the application of magnetic cooling technology in domestic refrigeration appliances. More information.
FRISBEE (August 2010 - August 2014). The objective of the FRISBEE project was to provide new tools, concepts and solutions for improving refrigeration technologies along the European food cold chain. See the website.