Les fruits et légumes : la récolte, la manutention et l'entreposage.
Fruit and vegetables: harvesting, handling and storage.
Auteurs : THOMPSON A. K.
Type de monographie : Ouvrage
This book, which contains many colour photographs, provides key practical and commercially-oriented information of great use in helping to ensure that fruit and vegetables reach the retailer in optimum condition, with minimum loss and spoilage. It covers postharvest physiology as it applies to postharvest quality, technology relating to maturity determination, harvesting, packaging, postharvest treatments, controlled atmosphere storage, ripening and transportation on a very wide international range of fruits and vegetables. Extract from the table of contents: preharvest factors on postharvest life; assessment of crop maturity; harvesting and handling methods; precooling; packaging (types of packaging, package recycling, modified atmosphere packaging; postharvest treatments; storage (store management and organization; store design and method; refrigerated storage; controlled atmosphere stores; hypobaric storage); disease control; safety; fruit ripening conditions; marketing and transport (market analysis; national transport; international trade; cold chain; transport by sea and by airfreight; temperature monitoring); postharvest technology of fruits and vegetables (recommended storage conditions by species).
- Titre original : Fruit and vegetables: harvesting, handling and storage.
- Identifiant de la fiche : 2005-0500
- Langues : Anglais
- Édition : Blackwell - Royaume-uni/Royaume-uni
- Date d'édition : 2003
- ISBN : 1405106190
- Source : Source : ed. 2; 480 p. (19 x 25); fig.; phot.; tabl.; ref.; index; GBP 99.50.
- Document disponible en consultation à la bibliothèque du siège de l'IIF uniquement.
Thèmes :
Chaîne du froid, interfaces;
Légumes - Mots-clés : Pré-refroidissement; Traitement après récolte; Culture; Atmosphère contrôlée; Chaîne du froid; Transport maritime; Transport; Traitement avant récolte; Température; Réfrigeration; Recommandation; Récolte; Transport aérien; Qualité; Physiologie; Maturation (fruits); Manutention; Maladie; Légume; Humidité relative; Éthylene; Entrepôt frigorifique; Entreposage frigorifique; Emballage; Contrôle; Fruit tropical; Fruit; Durée de conservation
The refrigerated storage of tropical and subtro...
- Auteurs : MCGLASSON W. B., SCOTT K. J., MENDOZA D. B. Jr
- Date : 11/1979
- Langues : Anglais
- Source : International Journal of Refrigeration - Revue Internationale du Froid - vol. 2 - n.6
- Formats : PDF
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Crop management and postharvest handling of hor...
- Auteurs : DRIS R., NISKANEN R., JAIN S. M.
- Date : 2003
- Langues : Anglais
Voir la fiche
Supply chain for mangoes.
- Auteurs : MITTAL R.
- Date : 04/2012
- Langues : Anglais
- Source : Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Journal, Cold Chain - vol. 3 - n. 2
- Formats : PDF
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Postharvest: an introduction to the physiology ...
- Auteurs : WILLS R., MCGLASSON B., GRAHAM D., et al.
- Date : 04/2007
- Langues : Anglais
Voir la fiche
Cold chain management of perishable distributio...
- Auteurs : ÉMOND J. P., MERCIER F., LAURIN É., et al.
- Date : 17/08/2003
- Langues : Anglais
- Source : 21st IIR International Congress of Refrigeration: Serving the Needs of Mankind.
- Formats : PDF
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